Monday, April 2, 2012

Kallianthi by Harlequin


I was at Design & Detail today looking for a replacement fabric for a client's sectional, on a strict time schedule, when this wallcovering book from Harlequin made me stop and take a look. I've seen it before and liked it but today I was smitten. I love the patterns, the colorways and the fact that it is priced less than most of my favorites.

 Pattern: Nettles  The photo doesn't do it justice. The color is wonderful and the scale and drawing of the pattern is beautiful.
 Pattern: Persephone   Another pattern with wonderful scale and colors.

 Persephone again.

 Pattern: Grasses  The silver grass on the fuchsia background is stunning.
Pattern: Demeter Stripe  Bold and Amazing
Kallianthi is a stunning group of wallcoverings. I can hardly wait to use it for a client project.
You can see some of my other favorite wallcoverings here.

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