Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Muriel and Waiting...

 My friend, Muriel Eulich, is a wonderful water colorist. Muriel is about to have an art opening showcasing her most amazing work ever. Muriel's art will be accompanied by the writing of author Mary Ellen Havard.
From Muriel," I have been charged with telling the stories of women who are or have battled breast cancer."
 Muriel's art is always stunning, this group of paintings takes her work to a new emotional high. It is truly breathtaking.

I will be attending the opening Saturday, August 11, 2012 at Art Saint Louis,
                                                                                            555 Washington Av  Ste 150
                                                                                            St Louis Mo 63101
I hope to see you there.


More of Muriel's work is here and here.


  1. Great post, Hurray for Muriel, this was an incredible undertaking. I will miss the opening but really look forward to seeing the exhibit.

  2. We will be thinking of you on the 11th! Have a wonderful time and here is to your wonderful artwork!!!!
